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Semper Vigilans Society Registration Form
Civil Air Patrol Semper Vigilans Society

Semper means “always” in Latin and is an integral part of Civil Air Patrol’s motto “Semper Vigilans” meaning always vigilant or always ready.

Civil Air Patrol established the Semper Vigilans Society in 2020 to recognize the generosity of members, alumni, parents, grandparents, national staff, and friends who have made provisions for CAP in their estate plans. These planned gifts ensure CAP is always ready for the future.

Qualifying commitments may be of any amount and may be directed to support programs of the donor’s choice. Donors are encouraged to consider gift designations that provide as much flexibility as possible to meet the changing needs of the future.

Types of gifts which may be included: will, revocable living trust, life insurance, beneficiary designation on a retirement account or other deferred gift arrangement.


In recognition of their special relationship with Civil Air Patrol, Semper Vigilans Society members will receive:

  • Lifetime stewardship
  • Invitations to major Civil Air Patrol events
  • Recognition on the Semper Vigilans Society Honor Roll (if desired)
  • Complimentary subscription to CAP’s Volunteer Magazine
  • Complimentary inclusion in receiving the monthly Alumni & Friends E-News
  • Updates about legacy giving including estate planning tips and information

Joining the Semper Vigilans Society

Once you decide to make an estate gift to support CAP, inclusion as a member takes just three simple steps:

  1. Document your gift. With the help of your professional advisors, include a gift to Civil Air Patrol or the Civil Air Patrol Foundation in your estate plan.  The most common estate gifts are a bequest in your will/living trust or naming CAP as a beneficiary of your IRA/retirement plan, life insurance policy, or donor advised fund.  A gift of any size qualifies you for membership.

  1. Complete and submit the Semper Vigilans Society Membership form below. To formalize your future estate gift to the Civil Air Patrol, we request written documentation of your intention.  We will keep the details of your gift confidential, and you are welcome to decline public recognition.

  1. Notify the Development Department at CAP. It is useful, but not mandatory, for CAP to receive a copy of the relevant sections(s) of your plan.  Please include only the information you are comfortable sharing.  You may email them to or mail to Civil Air Patrol Development, P.O. Box 9251, Montgomery, AL 36108-2342.

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Yes, Civil Air Patrol and/or Civil Air Patrol Foundation may publicly include my/our name(s) in Semper Vigilans Society’s listings.
No, Civil Air Patrol may not publicly include my/our name(s) in Semper Vigilans Society’s listings.

For more information, please contact Kristina Jones, CFRE, Chief Growth Officer and President/Executive Director Civil Air Patrol Foundation or Anne Marie Gallagher, CFRE, Planned and Major Gifts Director, at (toll free) 888-426-4227 or via email at

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